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Female Artists Program

Filmstill Female Artists Program
MEIN VATER, DER KÖNIG by Loraine Blumenthal

Fri 13.10.

For the 12th time, from 11 to 15 October, the Arsenal is presenting film projects by female grant holders who have received funding from the Female Artists Programme of the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion over the past two years.

In workshops, artistic positions and practices that allow for disruptions and ambiguities will be reflected. It is about positioning, questioning and the development of new narratives. Above all, the conscious decision to collaborate and the momentum of cohesion that emerges in it can be observed in a striking number of works, as can the interweaving of diverse forms of artistic expression or the search for a kinship of thought within interdisciplinary approaches. We look forward to a shared appreciative exchange and stimulating conversations with the filmmakers  and artists and the audience.

Project presentations by: Friederike Anders, Lucy Beech, Loraine Blumenthal, Mervete Bobaj, Angela Christlieb, Marlene Denningmann, Cordelia Dvo­rák, Lia Erbal, Radka Franczak, Bärbel Freund, Noam Gorbat, Juliane Großheim, Réka Gulyás, Tang Han, Sabine Herpich, Heidrun Holzfeind, Betty Lerche, Melisa Liebenthal, Rita Macedo, Tara Mahapatra, Regina de Miguel, Judit Oláh, Biene Pilavci, Irina Rastorgueva, Candelaria Saenz Valiente, Nossa Schäfer, Romana Schmalisch, Katarina Stanković, Anna Theil, Lina Walde und Hana Yoo.

With the kind support of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion.

A program booklet provides an insight into these and other funded works.

MEIN VATER, DER KÖNIG Loraine Blumenthal work in progress OV Digital File 20 min.
MEIN VATER ERKLÄRT MIR JEDEN SONNTAG UNSERE NATUR  Marlene Denningmannwork in progress Original version with English subtitles  Digital file 15 min.
GIPFELTRÄUME Anna Theil D 2023 Original version with English subtitles Digital file 18 min.

Followed by a discussion with the filmmakers
Free of charge

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund